– Exclusivity Offer exclusive private-label merchandise to your clients and limited run items. Whether you’re a massive retailer with an established supply chain or a small boutique site that works with up-and-coming designers, this tactic can boost both your exclusivity and your bottom line.
– Branded variants Work with established retailers to offer special “branded variants” of their products that can only be bought from your shop or website. One of the biggest success stories for this strategy comes from (RED), a campaign that was started by U2’s Bono and Bobby Shriver in 2006 to raise funds in order to eliminate AIDS worldwide. By licensing the brand to partner companies such as Converse, Nike and GAP, (RED) was able to offer branded products that were unique to each company. This strategy worked so well that the brand is now global.
– Bundles Create complementary bundles of products that are available only separately elsewhere. You can do this by offering selected groups of items at special “discount prices” or collaborating with other local businesses that offer complimentary products or services. For example, I know a wine shop that adds value to its customers by offering complimentary recipe cards from local chefs with every bottle of wine it sells. The wine shop benefits from having a unique selling point, the customers gain culinary inspiration and the local chefs enjoy a boost in their reputation.